Transport engagement a parking pain?

Already completed a Care Factor survey in your LGA? Or thinking about the benefits? Your data can be used for lots of projects – making it more effective and efficient.

Transport engagement a parking pain?

Why is it that when we do a transport plan people complain about traffic but ask for more parking? There’s obviously a correlation, right?

We think it’s because we aren’t asking the right questions, so we keep getting the same answer… Mostly to do with what annoyed us most recently!

Place Score’s Care Factor is different. We consider the whole of our town centres and neighbourhoods and ask people to prioritise what is most important to them – not surprisingly most people care about much more than cars and parking.

While your Care Factor data can be used for much more that transport planning; town centre revitalisation, strategic planning, infrastructure prioritisation, activation plans and more, we have been doing some great work with transport planners that is worth sharing.

We’ve just finished a great project for Northern Beaches Council using their data to inform the transport strategy for Mona Vale. Their Place Score research uncovered that not only was ‘Car accessibility and parking’ more valued than anywhere else in the LGA but it was also seen to be performing most poorly. This has triggered a more focused look at transport generally and a request for us to investigate how many more insights we can provide through a deeper analysis of the data.

By backtracking through the data, we are now able to:

  • Map the suburb of residence for your workers, students and shoppers
  • Correlate suburb of residence with relative value of ‘Car accessibility and parking’ versus other modes
  • Correlate demographics with relative value of ‘Car accessibility and parking’ versus other modes
  • And more!

The map below illustrates the relative Care Factor of ‘Car accessibility and parking’ by suburb. It clearly illustrates that the higher the dependence on private vehicles (i.e. less modal choice at the point of origin) the more community members think it is important. (The darker the blue the more respondents chose ‘Car accessibility and parking’ as important to them in their ideal town centre.)

We’d love to help you get more out of your community engagement; data you can use for multiple projects over a number of years, a transparent process that communities love (Northern Beaches received over 3000 responses!) and easy to access insights through your own dashboard.

We’d love to talk to you about how Place Score’s unique system can support your Councils’ great work.

Contact us on or phone: 02 8021 7027 to know more.


Kylie Legge © 2019

CEO, Place Score

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