Place Score x Social Pinpoint “Understand Your Places Using Data” Webinar

Keen to learn more about how you can use data to help make better places? Kylie Legge from Place Score alongside Colin and Ollie from Social Pinpoint hosted a free webinar “understanding your places using data’ to introduce Placemaking and Place Measurement as they shared their insights about evidence based placemaking.

Data, well collected and managed, can be an invaluable asset for helping to communicate with stakeholders, define community values, measure place performance and track impact over time.

We have talked about low and high tech “place-data” – data for making better places for people such as:
• What is placemaking data?
• Why is data important?
• How to leverage data to make better decisions?
• How can you use data to track impact?
• What’s next? – Trends, themes and technology

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