About our CEO Kylie Legge
Kylie is a leading voice in the evolving profession of placemaking. She is an architecture
graduate, planner, author, facilitator, and entrepreneur. She is the CEO and founder of
Place Partners placemaking consultancy & world-leading Place Measurement company Place Score.
She has been a place maker for over 15 years, working on projects across Australia, in Asia and
the Middle East; and at a range of scales – from main street to mall, to mixed-use developments
and the whole of city projects. Her interests lie in the relationship between people and
their urban environments and how we can work better collaboratively to create the kinds
of places people want to spend time in. Her commitment to understanding the trends and
external factors influencing decision-making ensures that projects she works on are fit for the future.

Urban Trends Book Series: Future City Solutions
Who’s winning the battle of the city? The most liveable? The most loveable?
Future City Solutions shares some of the most innovative responses to the challenges that are facing cities today. It explores global responses to universal urban problems and illustrates how ideas, both small and large, by community and by government, can all contribute to a better future for our cities and their citizens.

The Routledge Handbook of Placemaking
In late 1972 William Whyte wrote an article “Please, just a nice place to sit” for the New York Times….
This is how Kylie Legge’s chapter ‘Public seating- small important places’ in this handbook begins. It is one of 45 chapters exploring the many facets of placemaking from the perspective of professionals and academics across the world. In the last 20 years, placemaking has seen a paradigmatic shift that has led urban design, planning and policy to engage the community and be open to more collaborative practice. The Handbook examines the development of placemaking, its emerging theories, and its future directions.
Edited by Cara Courage, with Tom Borrup, Maria Rosario Jackson, Kylie Legge, Anita Mckeown, Louise Platt, and Jason Schupbach
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